
September is National Recovery Month. View our Events Calendar to find Recovery Month events happening near you.

OPTIONS: Overdose Prevention Through Intensive Outreach, Naloxone, and Safety

Know your OPTIONS to stay safe, get well, and stay well.

Substance use impacts individuals and families all across Maine, and we can all be a part of the solution. Whether you are looking for naloxone, curious about Maine’s new Good Samaritan Law, or you’re not sure what services are right for you or a loved one, you have come to the right place. Every person’s path is unique, and your local Liaison can help you find your OPTIONS.

“For people who feel like they don’t have any hope–I’d probably say, ‘I’ve been there.”

Mainers’ Stories

Meet Dustin

Meet Chantel

Meet David and Shelly

Not sure what your next step is? Your local OPTIONS Liaison can help.

Not every path is a good fit for every person. Each county in Maine has an OPTIONS Liaison–a judgment-free point of contact who will meet people where they are in terms of their substance use. OPTIONS Liaisons are behavioral health clinicians who can help you to find support and services that are right for you or your loved one. Connect with your OPTIONS Liaison today.


Fighting Stigma

Substance use disorder is a chronic condition–like diabetes, depression, or heart disease. It changes the way your brain works, making it very difficult to stop using. If you or a loved one are struggling, support is available. Shame and blame only make it harder for people to seek help. Learn how you can help fight stigma and change the narrative.


My loved one is using substances. What can I do?

Learn how to support a loved one–whether they are currently using or have started on a path to recovery–and discover resources to care for yourself at the OPTIONS friends and family page.


Maine’s Good Samaritan Law

Maine’s Good Samaritan Law helps legally protect people who are experiencing a drug-related overdose, and those who are seeking medical assistance for someone who is experiencing a drug-related overdose, from arrest or prosecution.