

A volunteer, usually a peer, who provides support, encouragement, and guidance to promote sustained long-term recovery.

Drug or Recovery Courts

Drug courts are problem-solving courts that operate under a specialized model in which the judiciary, prosecution, defense bar, probation, law enforcement, mental health, social service, and treatment communities work together to help non-violent offenders find...


The complete absence of symptoms or the presence of symptoms but below a specified threshold. An individual is considered to “in remission” if they once met criteria for a substance use disorder, but have not surpassed the threshold number of criteria within the past...

Long Term Recovery

Someone may be considered in long term recovery after 5 years of continued remission; the point at which the risk of meeting criteria for a substance use disorder in the following year is no greater than that of the general population.

Natural Recovery

A common recovery pathway in which remission from substance use disorder is achieved without the support or services of professional or non-professional intervention. Also known as self-managed recovery.