

Made synthetically or entirely from chemicals, and not made as a derivative of the original substance or plant (e.g. the opium poppy, marijuana plant, etc.) Examples of synthetic drugs include: carfentanil/carfentanyl, sufentanil, fentanyl, spice, bath salts, &...


A specific stimulus that sets off a memory or flashback, transporting the individual back to a feeling, experience, or event which may increase susceptibility to psychological or physical symptom recurrence and reinstatement of substance use disorder.


Tolerance is reduced response to a drug with repeated use.


A psychoactive substance that increases or arouses physiologic or nervous system activity in the body. A stimulant will typically increase alertness, attention, and energy through a corresponding increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rates....


Stigma is when someone assumes negative qualities about another person because of their substance use. Discrimination is when someone treats another person in a negative way because of their substance use. Social stigma and discrimination can make substance use...