

When a person is not intoxicated or affected by the use of alcohol or drugs.

Recurrence of Use

Recurrence of use is when someone begins using a substance again after having made the decision to stop. The highest risk for recurrence of substance use disorder symptoms occurs during the first 90 days following the initial intervention. The risk for recurrence of...


Overdose is injury to the body (poisoning) that happens when a drug is taken in excessive amounts. An overdose can be fatal or nonfatal.

Immediate-release opioids

Immediate-release opioids are faster-acting medication with a shorter duration of pain-relieving action. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) – Treatment for opioid use disorder combining the use of medications (methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone) with counseling...

Drug addiction

The preferred term is substance use disorder. When referring to opioids, see the Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) as it is less stigmatizing and acknowledges the biopsychosocial disorder as a medical condition that is treatable and from which people do recovery.