
Ku saabsan Hindisaha OPTIONS

Ka-hortagga xad-dhaafka ah iyada oo loo marayo wacyigelin degdeg ah Naloxone iyo Badbaadada (OPTIONS) hindisaha waa dadaal isku dubaridan oo ay sameeyeen Xafiiska Maine ee Caafimaadka Dhaqanka (OBH) iyo hay'adaha kale ee gobolka si loo hagaajiyo caafimaadka Mainers ee leh cillad isticmaalka muqaadaraadka. OPTIONS waxay taageertaa daawaynta, dhimista waxyeelada iyo soo kabashada, waxayna ujeedadeedu tahay in la dhimo tirada xad-dhaafka ah ee daroogooyinka dilaaga ah iyo kuwa aan dhimashada lahayn.

OPTIONS Xiriirada

OPTIONS Liaisons are behavioral health clinicians working in all 16 counties in Maine, employed by behavioral health organizations contracted through the State of Maine, Office of Behavioral Health. In 2023, Governor Mills has increased funding to expand the Liaison program, with additional Liaisons being hired in counties with a higher need.

Liaisons provide brief therapeutic interventions, conduct proactive outreach with communities at the highest risk of experiencing an overdose, de-escalate behavioral health crises, and engage in post- overdose follow up visits and referrals of persons in need, as well as affected others, to community- and state-based services. They collaborate and coordinate with those on the frontlines responding to people experiencing an overdose or at risk of overdose, including first responders like law enforcement and EMS. Learn more and contact your local OPTIONS Liaison.

OPTIONS Ololaha Caafimaadka Dadweynaha

Wareysiyo lala yeeshay in ka badan 53 gobol iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha bulshada, ololaha caafimaadka dadweynaha ee OPTIONS wuxuu ku dadaalayaa inuu milicsado oo kor u qaado codadka Mainers ee uu saameeyay cudurka faafa ee opioid. Marka sidaas la sameeyo, ololuhu wuxuu higsanayaa:

  1. Hagaajinta fahamka Sharciga Samaariya ee Wanaagsan oo kordhi wicitaanada 9-1-1 ee gargaarka caafimaadka haddii ay dhacdo xaalad degdeg ah oo xad dhaaf ah.
  2. Invigorate the Have It On Hand campaign to increase the distribution and availability of life saving Naloxone across the state.
  3. Wax ka baro kuwa khatarta ku jira dhaqamada isticmaalka maandooriyaha ee badbaadada leh ee yareeya khatarta xad-dhaafka ah ee dhimashada iyo aan dhimashada lahayn labadaba.
  4. Ku xidh dadka uu saameeyey cudurka faafa ee opioid ka-hortagga maxalliga ah, dhimista waxyeelada, soo kabashada, daaweynta, iyo ilaha taageerada guud.

Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan ololaha, la xiriir katherine.coutu@maine.gov .

Maine Opioid Response 2023-2025 Strategic Action Plan

The Strategic Action Plan (SAP) is designed to confront the epidemic of substance use disorder (SUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD) with evidence-based strategies that are targeted and tailored for maximum impact in Maine. Gordon Smith, the Director of Opioid Response, oversees the plan and works collaboratively with state and local partners to ensure its implementation. Read and download the Strategic Action Plan.